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Ingar Næss
Jan 7, 20235 min read
Travel tips Oslo - 4. Forognerparken and Vigeland sculpture park
Vigeland This is a "must-see" in Oslo. It is often the case that it is the close things that one takes for granted and rather travels...

Ingar Næss
Nov 13, 202217 min read
Travel tips Oslo, 5. Vigelandsmuseet and the man!
The man, the art, the park, and the museum. What an artist, what a visionary! “He is young. Let us honor him, and let us not do his...

Ingar Næss
Oct 25, 20226 min read
Travel tip from Oslo - Roseslottet!
A sensory arena for the whole person. This is a story about Norway and the Second World War, seen the brush of a socially engaged...

Ingar Næss
Oct 5, 20225 min read
Travel tip Norway, Must See, The Twist and Kistefos
If you have the slightest interest in art and history, then you should experience an architectural work of art, you will not regret it....
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