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Ingar Næss
Sep 29, 20225 min read
Travel tips USA, New York, Street photography!
New York, New York it´s a wonderful town! Yes in many ways and I think I could visit this city every year and constantly discover new...

Ingar Næss
Sep 13, 20224 min read
Why is it so difficult to choose a rental car (company), or is it actually so?
Is it difficult to choose a rental car? Many think yes, based on their own and other people's experiences, but why? I have spent some...

Ingar Næss
Sep 13, 20222 min read
Hotel Orlando, Avanti International Resort
A great affordable option, close to tons of activities in Orlando. This is the first overnight stay offers/travel tips on my Road Trip...

Ingar Næss
Sep 9, 20227 min read
Travel tip, USA, St. Augustine, - here the history of the United States was made!
St. Augustine is located in Florida and, in addition to summer and sun being guaranteed all year round, is one of the main reasons why...

Ingar Næss
Sep 8, 20226 min read
Biloxi, summer, beautiful beaches and Casino!
This travel tip from Biloxi, Mississippi is another small stopover here, before I will enjoy a few days in New Orleans and arrive in this...

Ingar Næss
Aug 24, 20226 min read
Travel tips, Johnny Cash's story, and a littele Marty Stuart!
If you follow my route around the southern states, where music is part of the content, we are now moving north from New Orleans between...

Ingar Næss
Aug 23, 20226 min read
New Orleans, is far more than a Bourbon street!
(will be updated with more tips) New Orleans, is a city with tons of history and daily parties, yes lots of parties. There is no doubt,...

Ingar Næss
Aug 23, 20224 min read
Panama City Beach - sun and summer every day, white sand, warm water and much more!
This coast one of the most beautiful I have experienced in Florida. Here you can start in Panama City Beach and choose up to ten...

Ingar Næss
Aug 23, 20227 min read
St. Augustine, - here the history of the United States was made!
St. Augustine is located in Florida and, in addition to summer and sun being guaranteed all year round, is one of the main reasons why...

Ingar Næss
Aug 22, 20227 min read
Orlando - Just the name sounds like a fairy tale!
Before my Road Trip around the USA in 2022, I met a very committed person, Ole Vidar Skogheim, at IPW, an international tourism...

Ingar Næss
Aug 13, 20222 min read
ESSE Purse Museum & Store, - Little Rock
Travel tips when going to Little Rock. ESSE Purse Museum & Store, Anita Davis, daughter of Betty Davis, had a dream to explore new...

Ingar Næss
Jul 8, 20223 min read
Girlpower, - in the air!
Yes, indeed, on my way home from my Road Trip in the USA in 2022, I got a positive surprise at Raleigh - Durham International Airport. We...
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