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Travel tip from Oslo - Roseslottet!

Writer's picture: Ingar NæssIngar Næss

Updated: Dec 13, 2022

A sensory arena for the whole person. This is a story about Norway and the Second World War, seen

the brush of a socially engaged Norwegian artist and my interpretation of what I experienced during and after my visit. I ask my countrymen how well we know our own history from the days of the war. Yes, because we must be allowed to ask this question, even though we are constantly learning more every single day. That is actually why this experience becomes even stronger after you have visited and experienced the Rose Castle.

Vebjørn Sand (c) Fotograf Ingar Næss

Because something happened to me, after the visit and when I started writing this article from Roseslottet on top of Oslo's roof.

Since this also applies to the Norwegian Jews, I will also direct the spotlight on an NRK TV series called "Last Jews". Here we get an honest and good impression of how the Jews themselves experienced the war and the time afterward. This is my story in pictures and words, as I experienced the goals and intentions of the initiators and not least everyone who was affected by the Second World War, here in Norway. Everything probably hasn't quite fallen into place yet, so I'll continue to update this article and come back once the first snow has fallen this year!

First a small request. I couldn't have known in advance that this first article from Oslo would be so strong for me, but I got off to a good start! Yes, since my goal is that you, as a citizen of Oslo, will be motivated to use your city and all its attractions, more than you do today, so this is a good start! In addition, this is a recommendation and invitation to all of you, whether you are a tourist, perhaps living here temporarily, are here for work, or just someone who wants to see and learn more about Oslo! Welcome to Oslo's roof! Oslo's roof can offer beautiful nature and great views. A unique hiking area in summer, autumn, winter, and spring. This is for everyone who likes trips on foot, by bike, or by skiing, whether it's cross-country skiing, slaloming, or jumping. Remember to send a thank you to the municipal council in Kristiania in 1885, who made the conditions right. I mention the 4 seasons above and they are an important part of the Rose Castle's "Mission" - The war took no days off, and neither should freedom. Our living installation must harmonize with nature, the seasons, and the weather. And in that sense, every day in Roseslottet will be experienced as unique. It also contributes to the individual's free and unique reflection. What other capital in the world can offer this, just 20 minutes from the city center! Then it is important to say welcome and have a great experience. Roseslottet, The Rose Castle: This is a strong historical exhibition, which everyone should visit.

Roseslottet is an art installation that aims to tell the story of the occupation of Norway during the Second World War. It will show the basic principles of democracy, the rule of law, and humanism which were then put out of force.

You may be wondering why the name Roseslottet and rightfully so. Rose Castle's name is inspired by the German non-violent resistance group Den Hvite Rose. This group has not

been given a place in the history of the war, but there were several German groups that actively opposed Hitler, his regime, and their distorted ideology. One of those who gave the resistance groups a face was Sophie Scholl, who was executed at barely 22 years old on 22 February 1943. She was part of the organization Hvite Rose.

The idea was brought to life in early 2017 by the artist Vebjørn Sand and Edmund Sand about the art park Roseslottet. Their artistic vision is to use the five years of war as a backdrop, to unearth the foundations of society:

Vebjørn Sand in front of the painting (Freedome) Frihet! (c) Fotograf Ingar Næss

I was lucky and met Vebjørn Sand when I visited *Roseslottet and asked the question; - which of the paintings best illustrated the idea behind the *rose castle. His answer came quickly, this picture, he says, and quickly goes up to the picture that illustrates Freedom. That is the most important thing we have. In addition, the rule of law, democracy, and humanism reminds us that these are values ​​that can easily be lost if you don't take care of them. Then he raced off to conduct a guided tour for visitors. It is difficult to choose a motif to illustrate the story, I mean here you have a small selection. Click on the image to enlarge and scroll through them all. Remember when you visit Roseslottet to be curious and have plenty of time.

They continue to tell about the background, we touch on both well-known and lesser-known aspects of the occupation: the suffering of the prisoners of war, the unknown individuals, everyday life, the drama of the war sailors, and the resistance struggles in the south and north.

The focus is reinforced in the description that they want to tell the story of the war without demonizing or glorifying, central to the narrative is the individual and his choices.

Therefore, the persecution of the Norwegian Jews is given a lot of attention in the picture series, and anti-Semitism, before and during the war, is depicted. The strongest image is perhaps that of 5-year-old Ellinor being arrested. This theme is well explained in Ellinor's House. The artistic language wants to engage, challenge and confront. In short, bring the impressions to life. We do not look at the world with an academic/analytical eye. As mentioned, our war sailors are an important part of the exhibition, they have received little or no attention until after 2010. Now there are books, and films and here they get their own place in the exhibition, through strong pictorial narratives.

This place is a sensory arena for the whole person. (c) Ingar Næss

The educational idea is to bring history to life through personal narration and various forms of artistic expression in spectacular scenography - on the border of the deep forests. I want to reinforce one of the areas in the exhibition, which means that during my process of describing this exhibition, I wanted to listen to what Vebjørn Sand meant by what he has written about Mozart!

Mosart helped to inspire Vebjørn Sand (c) Ingar Næss

"When I painted the first pictures in this series, I listened to Mozart. It struck me that the paintings became better and freer and with a different rhythm. I, therefore, continued to listen to Mozart's music when I painted between October 2020 and June 2021. You can also read that Martin Romberg, who is Roseslottet's musical director, says that Mozart's music comes from the Enlightenment. This is at the same time as the French Declaration of Human Rights and the American Declaration of Independence were written. Which again was the inspiration for the Eidsvildsmen when they wrote our Constitution in 1814!

I myself opened Spotify and looked up Mozart, something I would recommend you do when you read this story! Start with, Piano Concerto 21 in C Major on Mozart's best of!

Resistance women and men meet you on the 100m you walk through this part of this historic work of art. (c) Ingar Næss

Back to start. When you start your walk in Roseporten, you are greeted with 46 portraits of witnesses of the time. These include some of the last surviving resistance fighters from the occupation: Jakob Strandheim, who is the last survivor of the Shetland Gang, and the resistance woman Lillian Gabrielsen from Rjukan. Ranveig Forsberg is there as a time witness from Narvik.

Witnesses of the time (c) Ingar Næss

Back to start. When you enter the entrance and start your walk in Roseporten, you are greeted with 46 portraits of witnesses of the time. These include some of the last surviving resistance fighters from the occupation: Jakob Strandheim, who is the last survivor of the Shetland Gang, and the resistance woman Lillian Gabrielsen from Rjukan. Ranveig Forsberg is there as a time witness from Narvik.

The project is speculative and addresses everyone, regardless of religion, outlook on life and political viewpoint, and regardless of age. Since the subway / Holmenkollbanen stops 30 meters from the entrance, there is no excuse that it is difficult to get up here. Then leave the car as King Olav V did and as Leif Juster says when you leave the area! Will be updated further when the snow arrives Recommended!

Thanks for following me around and have a good trip.

Kjell Grandhagen The Mentor for Roseslottet! (c) Ingar Næss

Winter pictures from the Roseslottet in Oslo - This will be updated!

Additional information

(Some paragraphs are hidden, so to read them you need to click on the > sign!)

Click on > and read about how I got the idea for this series of articles.

To get up to Roseslottet, you need either a car or a tram, which is why this part of the story is important. Unless you only use your legs and are not interested in history! Click on > to open and close the history section!

Updated continuously - Remember to register to follow the updates. go to the top Sites that coming later:

- Holmenkollen, med Midstubakken og Holmenkollen Kapell.

- Historiske Holmenkollen Park Hotell og Holmenkollen Restaurant.

- Frognerparken og Vigelandsparken

- Vigelandsmuseet

· Det Kongelige Norske Slott

· Oslo Rådhus

· Nasjonalmuseet

· Aker Brygge

· Akershus Festning

· Operaen

· Deichmanske Bibliotek

· Munck Museet

· Ekeberg Skulpturpark

· Fredete hus og områder i Oslo

- Fram, Kontiki, Vikingeskip

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